More Comments about Performance Enhancement with The Feldenkrais Method

"For months I had been living with chronic pain in my knees and interscapular area….I am a distance runner and surgeon and cannot take chronic pain medications with unwanted side effects. Karen's Feldenkrais session provided more than temporary relaxation. I experienced genuine pain relief. I was so impressed with this that I signed up for Move with Elan’s running seminar given at the Chapel Hill YMCA. There I learned that Karen is not only a talented therapist but a gifted teacher in a group setting. After the first session I intended to run slower in order to concentrate on the new adjustments to my form, but my stopwatch showed I was actually running faster than before with less effort. I have had no serious running injuries despite increasing my mileage since the class……I highly recommend Move with Elan’s seminars and sessions to all who want to live life to the fullest. " 
- Kim L., MD and distance runner, ATM/FI student

"Our decision to work with Move with Elan and the Feldenkrais Method soon paid off: we were rewarded with two first place wins in our divisions, (along with other placements), at this year's United States Amateur Ballroom Dancers Association national ballroom dance championships. Until we began with Move with Elan, we had not been able to achieve the fluidity of movement, especially in the hips and ribs, that mark the highest quality ballroom dance competitors. " 
- Jan Y., RN/lawyer, and Carlie C., software engineer, competitive ballroom dancers, ATM/FI students

"I extend my gratitude to Moshe Feldenkrais and you two teachers. I loved the classes, loved focusing on one aspect of my body while engaging all the other parts; enjoyed the gentle transition as my body learned to move "with Elan". As a PT, I initially tried to understand what we were doing from an isolated joint/muscle standpoint. I quickly learned that that was of no use and simply gave myself up to the experience. And, viola, my body & brain teamed up to relearn normal movement patterns. My swimming continues to improve slowly. I now breathe on the left side with only a bit more effort than on the right. I am aware of the spiraling movements of my torso as I progress through the water…… Now, my PT brain can appreciate the beauty of these ongoing….lessons, and how effective these techniques are. " 
- Jane K., PT, ATM/FI student

"What I like about The Feldenkrais Method is that what I learn “sticks” with me. [It is] accessible to my daily life even if I am not consciously thinking about it. More than once I have had the experience of being in the midst of some project and realizing that I’m doing it differently than before. I know this because it is easier and requires less effort. I am not as sore or tired afterwards. I make my living as a landscape gardener so I greatly value these things. " 
- Cynthie K., landscape gardener, ATM student

"As I got more and more exhausted I kept imagining how much harder it would have been if I had not learned to use my whole body to run from you. Thanks (from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet) for all the hands on work and ATM classes." 
- Rhonda H., electrical planner and ultra-marathoner, ATM/FI student

"Karen customized my program to the work that I was doing with my dressage horse. Over a period of months, we worked on my balance, ability to flex through the back, awareness of my side-to-side movement, and ability to place more weight into my seat and legs.....all of these skills allowed me to sit more deeply into my horse allowing me greater comfort and improved communication with my horse. We rode better as a team because of the work with Karen. " 
- Sue M, MSW, equestrian and ATM/FI student

"Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement has greatly enhanced my yoga and bellydance practice, as well as made me feel more in touch with myself as a person. It encourages my creative, playful side by exploring the many variations on one movement, and it empowers me to discover and choose which movements work best for my body. I move more easily and freely now, and with more awareness. " 
- Heather R., software developer, yoga and belly dancing student, ATM student

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